Thursday, April 8, 2021

Fluid Milk and Cream - Western U.S. Report 14

California milk production is nearing peak. Output is abundant but following seasonal     patterns. Class I demand is level. Available drying capacity is limited, hampering spot load     sales. 
Arizona is approaching peak flush. Class I demand remains high. Some processors are     taking loads of milk from neighboring states. High volumes of milk are well-balanced through     bottling operations and other dairy manufacturers. 
Milk output in New Mexico is steady, and balancing plants are taking heavy volumes. There have been some recent minor hauling delays due to limited truck availability. Bottling is steady. 
Component levels are high, and milk production in the Pacific Northwest is strong. Overbase programs are trying to control the ample supply. Class I demand is stable. Sourcing the resin needed for gallon jugs is posing some difficulty; Texas production of the resin was disrupted by the winter storms in February. The impact this may have on moving milk into retail is currently unknown. 
Milk output in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado is strong. Cow comfort is     optimal, and milk production is expected to keep increasing. Some condensed skim spot loads     are available to meet local demand, and contract sales remain steady. 
Western cream is abundant and flowing eastward out of the region. Butter production is still active, but increasing seasonal production of dips, whips, and ice cream is pulling some fat away from churns. Cream multiples for all classes are steady.

     Western U.S., F.O.B. Cream
     Multiples Range - All Classes:               1.0500 - 1.2800

Thursday Closing Dairy Market Update - Dairy Exports Fell In November

MILK: The February Class III contract moved above $21.00 for a brief period today but could not hold above that level. Surprisingly,...