Thursday, January 9, 2025

Fluid Milk and Cream - Western U.S. Report 2

In California, some handlers convey week-to-week milk production is increasing as seasonally expected. However, December 2024 yearover-year and early January 2025 year-over-year milk production are down significantly. In terms of milk per cow, some handlers convey good improvements compared to a few months ago for their herds. However, stakeholders indicate costs are high for those looking to add replacement heifers to their herds. Spot milk load availability is tight for the first full week of January 2025. Some balancing plant managers note production schedules are lighter than what is typical for the time of year, but maintenance projects ahead of spring flush at other processing plants are anticipated to increase production paces at balancing plants. Class I demand is stronger. Class II, III, and IV demands are steady. 

Milk production in Arizona is stronger. However, stakeholders indicate spot milk load availability continues to be on the tight end of the spectrum. Demand for Class I milk is stronger, while demands for all other Classes are steady. 

Handlers in New Mexico also indicate recent week-to-week milk production is stronger. Class I, II, III, and IV demands are in line with the rest of the southwest. 

Stakeholders indicate farm level milk output in the Pacific Northwest varies from steady to stronger. Processors note milk volumes are accommodating planned production schedules. Class I demand is stronger following the year ending holiday week. All other Class demands are steady. S

takeholders in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado convey milk production is stronger. Stakeholders also indicate finding homes for excess milk volumes is not difficult. Class I, II, III, and IV demands in the mountain states are following the trends of the other West region states. 

For the most part, cream volumes continue to be plentiful. Cream multiples are unchanged this week. Some stakeholders note flat market pricing had been the previous low for this time of year over the last four years. Demand for cream loads is mixed, as well as demand for condensed skim milk loads. Condensed skim milk loads are available. 

Tuesday Morning Dairy Market Update - Tariff Uncertainty Puts Further Pressure on the Market

OPENING CALLS: Class III Milk Futures: 15 to 20 Lower Class IV Milk Futures: 5 to 10 Lower ...