Thursday, July 6, 2023

Fluid Milk and Cream - Western U.S. Report 27

In California, milk production is steady to lower. Week to week decreases are noted as     seasonally increasing temperatures decrease cow comfort. However, handlers relay preliminary     records indicate June milk output maintained enough strength to be above anticipated levels.     Handlers also relay preliminary records indicate higher June 2023 production compared to     June 2022. Although the Central Valley area has some open processing capacity, farm milk     supplies are balanced compared to manufacturing needs. Contracted loads had higher demand,     leaving less volume for spot load purchases. Seasonal Class II demand is steady from soft     serve and hard pack ice cream manufacturing. Demand for all other Classes is unchanged. 
Farm level milk output in Arizona is lower. Recent week to week production is trending notably downward as temperatures continue to climb upward overall. Temperatures in the state reached 115 degrees this week. Volumes are available to accommodate manufacturing needs. Spot load activity is light to quiet as industry sources relay hotter and more humid conditions in the south midwestern part of the country have reduced surpluses. Demand for all Classes is     steady. 
In New Mexico, milk production is steady to lower. Temperatures remained in the 90s and climbed to just shy of the 100 degree mark. Volumes are available to meet local handler   needs. All Classes have steady demand. 
Farm level milk output in the Pacific Northwest is steady. Milk supplies are reportedly slightly heavy to balanced compared to production needs. Some spot sales and purchases are noted at below Class prices. Class II demand is seasonally stronger from ice cream makers. All other Classes have steady demand. 
In the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado milk production is steady. Milk supplies are slightly heavy to balanced compared to processing needs and cream supplies are slightly     heavy in Idaho. Milk volumes in Utah and Colorado are adequate for handlers needs. Demand     for all Classes is unchanged. Contracted condensed skim milk demand is steady, while spot     load activity is lighter. Cream multiples were unchanged, in the West, this week.

     Western U.S., F.O.B. Cream
     Price Range - All Classes; $/LB Butterfat:   2.5368 - 3.1166
     Multiples Range - All Classes:               1.0500 - 1.2900
     Price Range - Class II; $/LB Butterfat:      2.9475 - 3.1166
     Multiples Range - Class II:                  1.2200 - 1.2900

     Information for the period July 3 - 7, 2023, issued weekly

     Secondary Sourced Information:

Milk pooled on the California Federal Milk Marketing Order 51 totaled 2,045.9 million     pounds in May 2023. Class I utilization was 394.4 million pounds and accounted for 19.3     percent of pooled producer milk. The Statistical Uniform Price for milk delivered to plants     in Los Angeles County, CA was $17.66, down $0.96 from April 2023.

Milk delivered to the Pacific Northwest Federal Milk Marketing Order 124 totaled 736.3     million pounds in May 2023. Class I producer milk was 136.8 million pounds and accounted for     18.6 percent of total producer receipts. The uniform price at test for May 2023 was $20.28,     down $0.96 from April 2023.

Milk delivered to the Arizona Federal Milk Marketing Order 131 totaled 428.1 million pounds     in May 2023. Class I producer milk was 110.4 million pounds and accounted for 25.8 percent     of total producer receipts. The uniform price at test for May 2023 was $19.43, down $0.20     from April 2023.

Milk delivered to the Southwest Federal Milk Marketing Order 126 totaled 1,174.0 million     pounds in May 2023. Class I utilization was 311.6 million pounds and accounted for 26.5     percent of pooled producer milk. The Statistical Uniform Price for milk delivered to     handlers in Dallas/Tarrant counties in Texas was $18.42, down $0.78 from April 2023.     

Friday Closing Dairy Market Update - More Tariffs on Canada Dairy Possible

MILK: After five consecutive days of decline, Class III futures were able to bounce today. However, that is a small consolation comp...