Milk output is flat in California. Bottling orders are strong, and demand for Class II and Class III milk is steady. Contacts say milk supplies are in good balance with current dairy manufacturing needs.
Milk production is decreasing in Arizona. Handlers report that milk is tight. Heavy volumes are flowing to bottling plants to satisfy strong Class I demand. Class II and Class III orders are steady.
New Mexico milk supply is declining. Bottling demand is starting to taper off. Class II sales are lower. Balancing plants are running well and have some capacity to process additional volumes of milk. Contacts say holdover numbers are manageable.
Cooler nights have enabled some rebound in cow productivity in the Pacific Northwest, but milk output has not recovered as much as handlers forecasted. With reduced supplies and steady Class I, Class II, and Class III sales, contacts say milk is tight.
Farm level milk production is flat in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado. Bottling and cheesemaking are active, and Class I and III demands are level.
Condensed skim contracts are steady. Cream is tightening as milk output decreases seasonally, but plant managers report receiving adequate supplies to support manufacturing needs. However, production is reportedly limited at some cream-based plants due to staffing shortages; contacts say cream would be tighter if plants were able to run more active production schedules. Cream multiples shifted down this week. Western U.S., F.O.B. Cream Multiples Range - All Classes: 1.1600 - 1.2600