Thursday, December 7, 2023

Fluid Milk and Cream - Western U.S. Report 49

In California, temperatures reached down to the higher 50s for the Central Valley, contributing to improved cow comfort. Stakeholders report steady milk production, and week- to-week differences are seasonally increasing. However, some processors note milk volumes are below anticipated totals. Handlers indicate butterfat and protein levels in farm milk are increasing and higher compared to the prior year. Balancing facilities are busier, with seasonally increasing milk production and some manufacturers  in planning downtimes around November/December holidays. Processors relay milk supplies are meeting manufacturing needs. Although Class I demand is strong, a few processors report a milk carton shortage has negatively impacted the demand from some bottlers. Class II, III, and IV demands are unchanged. 

In Arizona, temperatures ranged from the 80s to the 60s, and milk production is steady. Manufacturers relay no shortages for meeting production needs. Demands for all Classes are strong to steady. 

Farm level milk output in New Mexico is steady. Handlers note week-to-week differences are seasonally increasing. Manufactures indicate milk volumes are meeting production needs. Stakeholders note spot loads are more readily available. Demands for all Classes are strong to steady. 

In the Pacific Northwest, milder weather has contributed to improved cow comfort. Handlers note milk production as steady, and current week-to-week differences as flat to slightly higher. Demands for all Classes are unchanged. 

In the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado, farm level milk output is steady. Handlers indicate milk production as slightly higher compared to last week and note plenty of milk is available to meet manufacturing needs. Demand for Class II is steady. Demands for Classes I, III, and IV are strong to steady. 

Cream is more readily available throughout the region. Demand for cream is steady. Cream multiples moved lower on the top end of the multiples range this week. Demand for condensed skim milk is steady, and loads are more available for spot buyers.

Wednesday Closing Dairy Market Update - November Class I Price Is $22.53

MILK Milk futures tried to recover from the bearishness of the September Milk Production report but were held back somewhat by the w...