Thursday, August 17, 2023

Thursday Midday Dairy Market Summary - Blocks Increase While Barrels Fall


CORN: 3 Higher
SOYBEAN MEAL: $6.80 Lower
LIVE CATTLE: $0.57 Lower
DOW JONES: 99 Points Lower
NASDAQ: 68 Points Lower
CRUDE OIL: $1.19 Higher


Block cheese price gained 0.75 cent closing at $2.2050 with one load traded. Barrel cheese price fell 8.50 cents closing at $1.75 with two loads traded. This moves the spread to 27.50 cents. The weakness of barrels is a concern at this time of year with supply being more available with less demand. Blocks have been slowly working higher but may have a difficult time maintaining the gain if barrels remain weak. Dry whey price increased 0.75 cent closing at 26.50 with one load traded. Class III futures are 12 cents lower to 1 cent higher. Butter price increased 2 cents closing at $2.77 with 25 loads traded. Grade A nonfat dry milk price increased a penny closing at $10950 with three loads traded. Class IV futures are 3-20 cents higher. Butter futures are 1.00-3.75 cents higher. Dry whey futures are 0.52 cent lower to 0.67 cent higher.

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