U.S. dairy farmers applaud the USDA for moving forward by including the full scope of the National Milk Producers Federation proposal on the Federal Milk Marketing Order system, which the agency is in the process of modernizing. The recognition of National Milk’s consensus-based leadership allows the industry to continue the momentum for the changes achieved so far. Each piece of the proposal - from returning to the “higher-of” Class One mover as soon as possible to updating both Class One price differentials and manufacturing cost allowances - has been crucial toward building that consensus. “All the components of our plan are critical to a successful update to this important program,” says NMPF Board chair Randy Mooney. “There is still a long journey ahead toward a modernized federal order system that works better for farmers, but NMPF is ready.” The Federation is excited to help lead the industry toward solutions that work for everyone.
Friday Closing Dairy Market Update - USDA Releases Federal Milk Marketing Order Changes
MILK: Traders did not have much to go on for underlying spot prices. Cheese prices remained steady after a wild week of price moveme...
MILK There had been some optimism that lower milk production in February would get the attention of cheese buyers and they would ste...
Block cheese price increased 1.75 cents, closing at $1.7525 and the highest price it has been since May 7. There were 3 loads changing hand...