Almost 50 million children are returning to public schools, and a group of dairy and nutrition advocates encourages parents and policymakers to remember dairy. The dairy advocates say when it comes to the health of students, milk and dairy product options need to be more accessible during the school year. The group released a fact sheet pointing out that milk is the top source of calcium, potassium, phosphorous, and vitamin D in kids ages 2-18. Unfortunately, the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services say children over four and adolescents aren’t getting enough dairy to meet the recommendations in the federal Dietary Guidelines, missing out on several nutrients they need to grow. Michael Dykes of the International Dairy Foods Association says, “School meals are an important opportunity for children to get the nutrients they need. Now is when we need to work together to encourage nutritious milk consumption every day.”
Friday Closing Dairy Market Update - USDA Releases Federal Milk Marketing Order Changes
MILK: Traders did not have much to go on for underlying spot prices. Cheese prices remained steady after a wild week of price moveme...
MILK There had been some optimism that lower milk production in February would get the attention of cheese buyers and they would ste...
Block cheese price increased 1.75 cents, closing at $1.7525 and the highest price it has been since May 7. There were 3 loads changing hand...