Thursday, June 10, 2021

U.S. Dairy Industry’s Economic Impact Totals $753 Billion

The U.S. dairy industry continues to play a strong role in the U.S., supporting 3.3 million total jobs and $41.6 billion in direct wages. The International Dairy Foods Association released the findings in an economic impact report this week. IDFA’s 2021 Economic Impact Study, which measures the combined impact of the dairy products industry, showed the U.S. dairy industry’s economic impact totaled $752.9 billion. IDFA President and CEO Michael Dykes says, "American dairy companies contribute significantly to the U.S. economy, and their impact continues to grow year after year." The newly released figures indicate the U.S. dairy industry now contributes 3.5 percent of U.S. GDP, and $67.1 billion in federal, State and local taxes. For the first time, the total value of exports was included in the study, revealing the U.S. dairy industry is responsible for a total of $6.5 billion in exported goods and reinforces the importance of fair international trade agreements for the industry.

Thursday Closing Dairy Market Update - Tariff Talk Might Have Pressured the Market

MILK: Class III milk futures declined through the time when the CME settled the market for the day. After the settlement, further se...