Block cheese price increased 0.25 cent, closing at $1.6450 with 2 loads traded. Barrel cheese price remained unchanged at $1.42 with 2 loads traded. Although prices did not decline, traders were a bit disappointed that they did not rise as was anticipated. This took a bit of the earlier strength out of the market, moving futures contracts to mixed prices. Front-month December declined after earlier double-digit gains. Butter price declined 2 cents, settling at $1.5150 with 7 loads traded. This ends eight consecutive days of price increase. It could open the way for further price retracement as aggressive buying may be completed for now. Grade A nonfat dry milk price declined 1.25 cents, ending at $1.1375 with one load traded. Dry whey price remained steady at 46.50 with no loads traded. Class III futures are 6 cents lower to 8 cents higher. Class IV futures are 20 cents lower to 1 cent higher. Butter futures are 0.50 to 2.02 cents lower. Dry whey futures are 0.15 cent lower to 0.20 higher.
Friday Closing Dairy Market Update - USDA Raises Milk Production
MILK: Class III milk futures suffered a large setback in response to the decline in cheese prices. Despite the decline, the block ch...
MILK There had been some optimism that lower milk production in February would get the attention of cheese buyers and they would ste...
Block cheese price increased 1.75 cents, closing at $1.7525 and the highest price it has been since May 7. There were 3 loads changing hand...