Thursday, November 5, 2020

Fluid Milk and Cream - Western U.S. Report 45

Farm milk outputs are trending steady to slightly up this week in California. Raw milk     volumes are ample for most dairy processing needs. Milk sales into Class I are inching up     due to an increase in seasonal eggnog production. Shipments to Class II are described as     flat. Class III milk deliveries remain robust, driven by strong cheese purchases from the     government and fast food outlets.

In Arizona, farm milk production is increasing, but slowly. Milk/cream volumes are reported     as tight. Some processors are bringing in raw milk from nearby states to meet their needs,     while a few processing plants has been down for repairs and maintenance.

In New Mexico, the weather has calmed down after last week’s rains. Several dairy farms are     operating on muddy conditions, in some cases, lowering milk production and milk quality.     Nevertheless, milk intakes are more than enough to meet most processing needs, inside and     outside the state. No major issues have been reported on milk hauling. Shipments into Class     I are higher inside and outside the western region. Sales into Class III are also on the     rise.

Milk output is solid in the Pacific Northwest. Farmers and handlers are keeping intakes in     check with production base programs. Manufacturers have plenty of milk on hand to keep     facilities running near full capacity. Downtime is limited, but processors can make required     maintenance and repairs as needed. Bottling demand is steady. Cream supplies are readily     available.

Milk production in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado, is still heavy. Across     the Pacific Northwest and mountain states, high freight costs are keeping milk from moving     very far from its source. There is more than enough milk to keep processing facilities full.     Discounted spot loads of milk are common in Idaho.

Western ice cream makers continue pulling strong on condensed skim milk volumes. Some     contacts say that condensed skim milk intakes moving into dryers have been declining this     week. In some balancing plants, dryers are not running at full capacity due to the lower     volume moving in.

Throughout the West, the availability of cream for all Classes varies from readily available     to somewhat limited. Cream volumes continue clearing into butter processing and are    progressively absorbed by Class II processors. Some butter makers have picked up some extra     loads of cream, inside and outside the region. Cream multiples remained steady this week.

     Western U.S., F.O.B. Cream
     Multiples Range - All Classes:               1.0500 - 1.2800


Friday Closing Dairy Market Update - 2024 Milk Production Lower, But Herd Size Growing

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