Friday, March 14, 2025

Friday Midday Dairy Market Summary - Cheese Prices Fall Back


CORN: 7 Lower
SOYBEANS: 5 Higher
SOYBEAN MEAL: $1.60 Lower
LIVE CATTLE: $0.77 Higher
DOW JONES: 552 Points Higher
NASDAQ: 373 Points Higher
CRUDE OIL: $0.53 Higher


The block cheese price fell 6.25 cents, closing at $1.6925 with five loads traded. The barrel cheese price declined 4 cents, closing at $1.69 with two loads traded. There were two uncovered offers for blocks and three unfilled bids remaining at the close of spot trading. The dry whey price declined 0.75 cent, closing at 45 cents with one load traded. Class III futures fell with prices ranging from 50 cents lower to 5 cents higher. The only gain is seen in the October contract with the largest loss in April. The butter price gained 0.25 cent, closing at $2.3425 with seven loads traded. Grade A nonfat dry milk declined 0.50 cent, closing at $1.1550 with two loads traded. Class IV futures have not yet traded. Butter futures are 0.65 to 1.00 cents lower. Dry whey futures are 1.00 cents lower to 0.25 cent higher.

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