Thursday, July 11, 2024

Fluid Milk and Cream - Western U.S. Report 28

Milk production continues to weaken in California. Handlers convey daytime temperatures into the 110s continue to negatively impact week-to-week milk production. However, manufacturers indicate that some unplanned down time has slowed milk processing and made spot milk loads more widely available. Spot milk sales at slightly under Class III prices continue to be noted this week. Demands for all Classes are unchanged this week. 

In Arizona, farm level milk output continues to be seasonally weaker. However, stakeholders indicate volumes are meeting processing needs. Demands for all Classes are steady. 

Milk production in New Mexico is declining. Handlers convey milk volumes are tight. All Class demands are steady. 

In the Pacific Northwest, farm level milk output is seasonally weaker. However, handlers also indicate milk output is currently meeting production expectations. Manufacturers indicate milk volumes are meeting processing needs. All Class manufacturing demands are steady. 

In the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado, milk production is generally weakening. In Idaho, excessive heat warnings have made appearances recently. Handlers convey milk volumes in Idaho and Utah are tighter. Stakeholders note operational challenges for some processors has helped to keep other processors closer to ideal production paces. All Class demands are unchanged. 

Cream volumes are generally tightening in the region. Although more cream multiples were noted in the 1.20s this week compared to the prior week, ranges for cream multiples remained the same. Stakeholders convey some requests for cream loads going from West region locations to Midwest destinations were turned down due to current outside heat temperatures during transportation. Condensed skim milk demand is in line with recent weeks, and availability is tighter. 

August Milk Production in the United States down 0.1 Percent

August Milk Production up 0.1 Percent          Milk production in the 24 major States during August totaled 18.1 billion pounds, up 0.1 perc...