Thursday, June 13, 2024

Fluid Milk and Cream - Western U.S. Report 24

Milk production in California is trending seasonally weaker. Industry participants say daytime heat indexes and overnight temperatures are negatively impacting cow comfort. A few processors report power outages have caused milk handling difficulties. Availability of spot milk loads is tighter. All Class demands are unchanged. According to the California Department of Water Resources, both the precipitation and reservoir storage totals are currently above their respective historical averages. 

Milk production is also trending seasonally weaker in Arizona. Processors indicate availability of spot milk loads is tight. All Class demands are steady. 

In New Mexico, farm level milk output is lighter. Spot milk load availability is tightening. All Class manufacturing demands are steady. 

In the Pacific Northwest, some handlers convey the peak of spring milk production has passed, and output is on the downward side of the curve. However, handlers also report week-to-week decreases are not very pronounced. Manufacturers indicate milk volumes are meeting production needs. Class I demand is lighter with the start of summer breaks at many educational institutions. Class II demand is stronger. Class III and IV demands are steady. 

Farm level milk output in the mountain states of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado varies from steady to trending seasonally weaker. Spot milk loads are tighter in the northern portion of the mountain states. A few processors convey equipment breakdowns have caused some milk handling difficulties. Class I, II, III, and IV demands are steady. 

Although cream demand is strengthening, and cream volumes continue to tighten, cream multiples are unchanged. Condensed skim demand and availability are in line with the prior week.  

Friday Closing Dairy Market Update - 2024 Milk Production Lower, But Herd Size Growing

MILK: Class III milk futures lost over 80 cents on the March contract this week, while Class IV lost over $1.40 from this time last week. We...