Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Tuesday Midday Dairy Market Summary - Spot Prices Remain Unchanged


CORN: 5 Higher
SOYBEANS: 5 Higher
SOYBEAN MEAL: $2.70 Lower
LIVE CATTLE: $0.05 Higher
DOW JONES: 267 Points Lower
NASDAQ: 166 Points Lower
CRUDE OIL: $0.51 Higher


Both blocks and barrels remained unchanged at $1.96590 and $1.80, respectively. There was only one load traded of barrels. Dry whey prices remained unchanged at 27.50 cents with six loads traded. Surprisingly, traders did not sell milk futures as they had over the past few weeks when prices were steady. Traders are keeping futures more in line with cash. Class III futures are 5 cents lower to 16 cents higher with the strong gains seen in 2024 contracts on light trading activity. Butter price remained unchanged at $2.65 with no loads traded. Grade A nonfat dry milk price remained unchanged at $1.1350 with five loads traded. Class IV futures have only had one contract traded in September at 15 cents higher. Butter futures are steady to 0.92 cent higher. Dry whey futures are 0.87 cent higher with both butter and dry whey futures showing very light trading activity.

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