Wednesday, June 21, 2023

May Milk Production up 0.8 Percent

May Milk Production up 0.8 Percent        

Milk production in the 24 major States during May totaled 19.0 billion pounds, up 0.8 percent from May 2022. April revised production, at 18.4 billion pounds, was up 0.6 percent from April 2022. The April revision represented an increase of 23 million pounds or 0.1 percent from last month's preliminary production estimate.  

Production per cow in the 24 major States averaged 2,126 pounds for May, 11 pounds above May 2022.   

The number of milk cows on farms in the 24 major States was 8.95 million head, 24,000 head more than May 2022, but unchanged from April 2023.   

May Milk Production in the United States up 0.6 Percent  

Milk production in the United States during May totaled 19.9 billion pounds, up 0.6 percent from May 2022.  

Production per cow in the United States averaged 2,108 pounds for May, 10 pounds above May 2022.  

The number of milk cows on farms in the United States was 9.43 million head, 13,000 head more than May 2022, but unchanged from April 2023.


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