Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thursday Midday Dairy Market Summary - Cheese Falls Back


CORN: 13 Lower
SOYBEANS: 7 Higher
SOYBEAN MEAL: $2.20 Higher
LIVE CATTLE: $0.25 Higher
DOW JONES: 271 Points Lower
NASDAQ: 14 Points Higher
CRUDE OIL: $1.35 Lower


Block cheese price declined 5.25 cents, closing at $1.6175 with six loads traded. There were two unfilled bids remaining at the close. Barrel cheese price declined 3.25 cents, closing at $1.5025 with five loads traded. There were 11 unfilled bids and one uncovered offer remaining at the close. Sellers continue to remain aggressive and willing to move product. Dry whey declined 0.25 cent, closing at 30 cents with two loads traded. Class III milk futures are 26 cents lower to 3 cents higher. September shows the gain while June shows the greatest loss. Butter price increased 1.25 cents during spot trading with no loads traded and two unfilled bids remaining at the close. Grade A nonfat dry milk price declined a penny, closing at $1.17 with two loads traded. The weakness of nonfat dry milk offset the gain of butter leaving Class IV futures 2 cents lower in November which is the only contract traded. Butter futures are 0.20 to 0.97 cent higher. Dry whey futures are 0.75 cent lower to 0.45 cent higher.

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