Friday, March 10, 2023

Friday Midday Dairy Market Summary - Blocks Fall Back


CORN: 6 Higher
SOYBEAN MEAL: $2.70 Lower
LIVE CATTLE: $0.37 Lower
DOW JONES: 402 Points Lower
NASDAQ: 225 Points Lower
CRUDE OIL: $0.70 Higher


Blocks fell back, eliminating the gain of Thursday and then some. Price declined 4.50 cents, ending at $1.78 with one load traded. Barrel cheese price gained 3.50 cents, closing at $1.77 with 15 loads traded. Barrel buyers went home satisfied while there were two uncovered offers remaining at the close. Buyers' needs may have been satisfied this week, which could leave a void under the market next week. Dry whey price increased 0.25 cent, closing at 44.25 cents with one load traded. Class III futures again failed to follow through from the overnight with contracts 10 cents lower to 4 cents higher. Butter prices remained unchanged at $2.3325 with no loads traded. Grade A nonfat dry milk price remained steady at $1.1750 with five loads traded. Class IV futures have not yet traded. Butter futures are 0.47 cent lower to 0.10 cent higher. Dry whey futures are 0.45 to 1.10 cents higher.

Monday Morning Dairy Market Update - Lower Dairy Prices to Begin the Week

OPENING CALLS: Class III Milk Futures: 2 to 6 Lower Class IV Milk Futures: Mixed ...