The National Milk Producers Federation sent a letter to lawmakers asking for support of domestic infant formula production as the shortfalls that emptied store shelves of formula have eased. Given the improving situation, tariff waivers that could discourage the production of a safe, secure domestic infant formula supply should be allowed to expire at the end of this year as scheduled. The milk producers sent their letter to the chairmen and ranking members of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee. “Given the temporary shortfall that gripped American families in need of formula earlier this year has abated, we urge Congress to ensure that the unique, unilateral tariff benefits granted to our trading partners under the Formula Act and the Bulk Infant Formula to Retail Shelves Act end as scheduled at the close of the year,” the letter says. “We request opposition to efforts to extend the benefits.”
Wednesday Closing Dairy Market Update - Milk Futures Suffer Further Losses
MILK: Milk production continues to improve seasonally but remains at levels lower than a year ago. The increase is keeping bottlers ...
MILK There had been some optimism that lower milk production in February would get the attention of cheese buyers and they would ste...
Block cheese price increased 1.75 cents, closing at $1.7525 and the highest price it has been since May 7. There were 3 loads changing hand...