Thursday, June 23, 2022

Dairy Farmer Calls for FMMO Update During Farm Bill Hearing

A dairy farmer told lawmakers this week the next farm bill needs milk pricing improvements. Seventh-generation Pennsylvania dairy farmer Lolly Lesher, a member of Dairy Farmers of America, testified on behalf of the cooperative and the National Milk Producers Federation during a congressional review of dairy provisions in the Farm Bill. Lesher highlighted the need for improvements to the Federal Milk Marketing Order system, as evidenced by the heavy revenue losses incurred by dairy farmers nationwide from a milk pricing change made in the previous farm bill. She says, “The change made to the Class I mover combined with the government’s heavy cheese purchases cost dairy farmers over $750 million in revenue in the last six months of 2020 alone.” The dairy industry is seeking consensus on a range of FMMO improvements, including the Class I mover, that can be taken to USDA for consideration in a federal order hearing.

Friday Closing Dairy Market Update - USDA Releases Federal Milk Marketing Order Changes

MILK: Traders did not have much to go on for underlying spot prices. Cheese prices remained steady after a wild week of price moveme...