Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday Midday Dairy Market Summary - Class III Milk Futures Diverge


CORN: 5 Higher
SOYBEANS: 9 Higher
SOYBEAN MEAL: $0.50 Higher
LIVE CATTLE: $1.30 Lower
DOW JONES: 492 Points Lower
NASDAQ: 315 Points Lower
CRUDE OIL: $0.36 Higher


Only a seller of blocks showed up during spot trading Friday who offered lower, resulting in a loss of a penny closing at $2.37. Barrel cheese price remained unchanged with no interest from buyers or sellers. Dry whey price increased 3 cents, closing at 40.50 cents with one load traded. Butter price increased 4 cents, closing at $2.6750 with six loads traded. There were unfilled bids for four loads remaining at the close, suggesting price may increase further next week. Grade A nonfat dry milk price gained 1.50 cents, ending at $1.7550 with three loads traded. Class III futures are mixed, contracts through October unchanged to higher while later contracts post losses. Significant pressure is on 2023 contracts with February through June showing double-digit losses. Class IV futures are mixed from 14 cents lower to 16 cents higher. Butter futures are 1.45 cents lower to 2.00 cents higher. Dry whey futures are 1.65 cents lower to 0.35 cent higher. USDA will release the March Agricultural Prices report Friday providing the average prices used in the calculation of income over feed for the Dairy Margin Coverage program. The average soybean meal price may not be available until Monday.

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MILK: After five consecutive days of decline, Class III futures were able to bounce today. However, that is a small consolation comp...