Wednesday, March 30, 2022

USDA Publishes Origin of Livestock Final Rule for Organic Dairy

The Department of Agriculture Tuesday published the Origin of Livestock final rule for organic dairy. USDA says the change to the USDA organic regulations will promote a fairer and more competitive market for all organic dairy producers. The rule ensures that certified USDA organic dairy products are produced to the same consistent standard. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says, "The Origin of Livestock final rule provides clear and uniform standards about how and when livestock may be transitioned to organic dairy production, and how transitioned animals are managed within the organic dairy system." USDA's National Organic Program will oversee the new rule, which in general allows a dairy livestock operation transitioning to organic, or starting a new organic farm, to transition non-organic animals one time. The rule prohibits organic dairies from sourcing any transitioned animals. Once a dairy is certified organic, animals must be managed as organic from the last third of gestation. Small businesses may request variances for specific scenarios.

Friday Closing Dairy Market Update - 2024 Milk Production Lower, But Herd Size Growing

MILK: Class III milk futures lost over 80 cents on the March contract this week, while Class IV lost over $1.40 from this time last week. We...