Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Fluid Milk and Cream - Western U.S. Report 48

Lower temperatures are supporting the increase of milk production in California. Milk     testing shows improvements in the level of fat/protein components, also showing stable     somatic cell count (SCC). Class I sales are reported as lightly down during this shortened     holiday week. The volumes of raw milk are ample, but some processing facilities will remain     open during Thanksgiving and have enough capacity to handle most of the milk. 
Milk production in Arizona is generally even compared to last week. Most Class I and Class II     demands for the holiday have now been filled. Some processors are just taking care of a few     last-minute order deliveries. Some manufacturers are running full production schedules at     some facilities, while others plan to slow down for the Thanksgiving holiday. 
Farm milk production in New Mexico is slightly up. Class II manufacturers have eased back on demand for milk loads over the Thanksgiving holiday. Balancing plants are expected to run at full capacity through the week, helping to clear large amounts of milk. 
Milk production in the Pacific Northwest is steady. Going into the holiday week, milk handlers noted an increase in retail bottled milk demand. Industry contacts hope this increase can help balance out milk intakes over the holiday week. Manufacturers have plenty of milk needed for processing. Cream supplies are heavy. 
In the mountain states of Idaho, Utah and Colorado milk production is heavy. Most processing facilities are at or near full capacity. Extra spot loads are common. Industry contacts confirm some spot milk prices are $4 under Class IV in Idaho. 
The volumes of condensed skim milk are abundant in the West. Drying schedules are continuous and expected to be very active by the end of the week. Cream spot sales are down due to most     holiday orders being fulfilled. The number of cream offers is slowly increasing. While some     Class II manufacturing facilities will shut their doors at least on Thanksgiving Day, butter     churners are anticipated to remain actively clearing cream loads. Premiums for western cream     are steady to slightly down this week.

     Western U.S., F.O.B. Cream
     Multiples Range - All Classes:               1.0500 - 1.2400


Friday Closing Dairy Market Update - 2024 Milk Production Lower, But Herd Size Growing

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